Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Inches, inches and more inches....

Hi Everyone:

I'm not sure how many pounds I am now because I always forget in the mornings to get on the scale before eating anything and wearing only my undies, so I have been skipping it for a week or so, but last Saturday I went to buy a nice blouse to wear on my friends birthday party and even I was surprised of what happened.

I was looking for a sexy one to wear and I came across of this cutie I'm wearing, the only problem was the sleeves, no sleeves at all and with my ugly floffy (is it a word?) arms I needed something to cover them, so I tried size 22/24, no no, too big, I tried size 18/20, still too big, so I tried 14/16 thinking that it was too small, and VOILA...!!! it was perfect....

I came out of the store, feeling soooo great, that I would like to go shopping again soon, I can still remember those times when my Mom used to go shopping for myself, yes, believe it or not, I was so fat that I couldn't find any clothes to fit, because in Mexico we don't have special sizes stores, it's just regular sizes like the XXL and that's it, so my Mom used to go to the store, buy a bunch of shirts, a few leggins, came home where I was waiting for her, tried the clothes on and some of them fitted.

Every time I went to a store, I came out upset and sad, and of course I didn't like to go shopping, so for me this feeling is totally new, if you know what I mean.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another Surgery

Yes, another surgery, but this time related to my heart. I had a ICD (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator) about 6 years ago and the battery ran out, so they replaced it. I was an outpatient surgery but I ended with an awful bump below my left elbow, I was so scared of it staying like that forever, I called Dr. Soldo, and showed him a picture of it, and he as always calmed me down. He said not to worry that it was full of fluids inside caused by all the scraping of the tissues but it will go back to normal soon, and it is, I can still see it, but it is a lot smaller.
Anyway, after this surgery that was about 3 or 4 weeks ago, something happened that I couldn't eat much, and I started loosing weight again, before it, I was kind of stuck, loosing one pound a week and gaining it back the following week, fluctuating between 248 and 255, I was feeling fine and my clothes were a lot smaller but the scale just said "NO, I'M NOT MOVING DOWN"

And since the surgery I have lost about 14 lbs and I'm like WOW...!!!! What is going on???? I'm not sure, but I'm so happy that I could jump....!!!!

Thanks for stopping by


Friday, April 29, 2011

Even more inches...

It is amazing how things can start changing from one day to another.

I have been stuck on the same weight for a few months, well that is what I think, going one pound up, one pound down, but I know that is not the weight, but water and all of a sudden I started shrinking, don't ask me how.

The thing is that not even my clothes are big for me again, Yay!!!! but I also started looking thinner and that makes me feel so good.

Even my husband that usually doesn't say anything, started to look at me and say, "Wow sweetie you look hot" and I can tell you that when you start getting comments like those you feel so good.

I even walk in a restaurant or a bar with my husband and other guys are already looking at me (he doesn't like that) but I do. LOL.

So even if the scale say the same weight, I know that something is happening and my life is still changing.

Thanks for stopping by,


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Getting Smaller

For the first time in a long time, I was able to go shopping and had a hard time finding my size, yes it happened, but this time the sizes were going down, and down, and down.

It was so much fun to see the face of the girl that helped me in the store. I'm a regular client there, and she has always been the lady that helps me, she even know my sizes and my likes and dislikes, her name is Tina by the way.

I was in the dressing room and she was like "What? did it fit?" The feeling was great, and I left the store feeling beautiful and sexy.

Things like that give me the strenght to keep going, and every time I feel the urge to eat something that I shouldn't I think on those moments, and the faces of the people that haven't seen me for a while and then they go like. WoW!! That makes my days great.

I haven't get on the scale for two or three days, I don't need to, I know I'm looking good and I need my plastic surgery, soon I will have one and then I will stop seeing Tina, I will miss her, she is a very nice lady.

I'm already buying stuff at stores like Macy's, Nordstrom, I couldn't do it before, I was way too big to go shopping over there, now I can, on some clothes not all of them though.

Another thing that I'm doing lately is wearing high hills, my feet can resist them again, I used to work 8 hours on those 3" hills without a problem, then I got so heavy that my poor toes were bad, now I'm not on the 3" but in the 2" high, and as happy as I can be.

Thanks for stopping by,


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thinking on a Plastic Surgery

I'm still about 40 pounds above the weight that I want to reach, but I'm seriously thinking on having a plastic surgery soon, why? because I think that at least 1/2 of that weight that I still need to loose will go away with the skin that the surgeon will remove.

It's getting really hard to see myself naked on the mirror, I don't even want to think what my husband sees, I use spandex all the time and they don't work anymore, it is just too much skin hanging down, I tried walking and doing as much exercise as my heart allows me, and the skin is simply not going back to where it supposed to be. LOL

Yes I know, I should wait a little longer, and I will but every time I look at my mirror even wearing clothes I get depressed.

I will also encounter another problem, maybe the worst in this adventure... My heart, is it going to let me have the plastic surgery???

Dr. Soldo, my cardiologist, told me "One step at a time" I'm hoping that the meaning is... "Yes but loose the weight first", he also said my heart is doing a lot better, but I'm not sure if it is ready for a set of new surgeries, because I want to fix everything, belly, back, legs, arms and of course boobs, if I have been going through all this I want to look like a princess, so pray for me and for my good luck to show up.

Thanks for Stopping by


Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Year, new look and new attitude, that is what I have been trying to do. I feel very good, loosing weight slow but constant and getting happier every day.

I'm walking every morning with one of my best friends, I just miss it when I have therapy for one of my elbows, and believe it or not, when I can't go, I feel a lot different, like I miss it.

This is my new look I cut my hair right before New Year's eve, I wasn't sure about my big chicks, but everyone loved it, what do you think?

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